Thursday, 19 November 2009

I think I may have heard about one of these undated 20p coins offered for sale for £10 million.

Well good luck to the seller as he may need that and what kind of buyer will offer £10 million for one of these coins?

Could the potential buyer be the Roman Abramovich of coin collectors LOL?

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Still selling on ebay

As of the early hours of Wednesday 28th October visited ebay's UK site using "undated 20p coin" as a search term this returned 249 results over 5 pages which is fewer than previously reported.

Using search term "undated 20p" returns more results which total 335 over 7 pages.

My undated 20p is still safe in one of the drawers somewhere.

Will keep reviewing the situation with this collectable coin and who knows will one day offer it for sale.

Best Wishes


Tuesday, 29 September 2009

The last time an undated coin entered circulation in the UK....

....This last happened over 300 years ago in the year 1672 under the reign of Charles II.

In 2008 when the Royal Mint were manufacturing the redesigned British coinage the mistake was made on a batch of 20p pieces. The old 20p had the date on the 'tails' side of the coin on the same side as the denomination(20) where there was no date on the side of Queen Elizabeth II's head, the mistake was made in the process of shifting the date to the heads side where the coins were minted using the old version of the coin for the heads side which resulted in the batch of dateless 20p coins.

These coins have become rarer since news broke of the significance of this Royal Mint error which will have potentially a significant impact on future values if it hasn't already with some people listing them for sale in the millions.

Even though London Mint(no association to Royal Mint) have made a highly publicised offer of £50 each to anyone who is willing to cash in. London Mint are a private company therefore will not be buying these for £50 en masse if there wasn't a huge profit to be made. Think about it why advertise so widely and why are they in business? To answer these questions is simply a no brainer.

How much is an undated 20p worth?
Well to answer that it's how much do you think and feel they are worth.
There are people out there willing to pay in the hundreds and thousands possibly millions.

In previous posts I have commented on the ebay listings for the 20p coin , today there are 505 listings covering 11 pages and without trawling through the whole list have seen one listing for the undated 20p coin for £million .

I will keep posting the number of listings I see on ebay for the undated 20p coin here randomly and it will make an interesting picture on how long there will be listings for undated 20p coins on ebay.

Long live the undated 20p coin.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Undated 20p on ebay Sept 23

Hi All,

I decided to check up on the ebay listings to see how many search results were returned for the search term "undated 20p" and on today's count is less than when I posted on Sunday.

Today's count for the undated 20p on ebay equals 427 results over 9 pages.

Are we now seeing a downward trend on the number of undated 20p pieces for sale?

Will check in a few days time and post again.

Best Wishes!


Sunday, 20 September 2009

Undated 20p on ebay(the latest)

Hi All,

I thought I would take a look on ebay on Sunday 20th September 2009 to check out the current interest in the undated 20p coin.

Well, I have to say the interest in the undated 20p phenomenon hasn't waned.

This is so evident on entering "undated 20p" in the Find search box ,the number of pages this search returns is 13 equating to 606 results.

Just think 606 listings for an undated 20p coin three months after the story broke into the national newspapers.

Like I've said in my earlier posts here, my one is tucked in the drawer but I still live in hope no matter how futile of finding another one as I examine every 20p that lands in my change... but inevitably no luck so other than the 13 pages of listings on ebay the scarcity factor has kicked in in one sense at least.

I await the day a coin collector comes knocking with a handsome sum for my undated 20p but it's looking like I'll be waiting for a while longer.

Best Wishes!


Monday, 14 September 2009

Undated 20p- What makes it special?


The undated 20p coin that slipped by the Royal Mint's stringent Quality Control and into circulation following the 2008 redesign is significant for the following reasons-

This is the first undated British coin to enter circulation for over 300 years.
The last time this happened was in 1672.

Redesigns of UK coins generally happens once every 40 years.

Since the news of the Royal Mint error broke in June/July 2009 the chance of finding one of these in circulation is decreasing by the day.

Also the London Mint have been offering £50 each for one of these coins. The London Mint are not associated with The Royal Mint they are a private enterprise and their site gives a lot of information on the significance of the undated 20p coin -

Well if the London Mint is willing ot offer £50 each for one of these then as a business they are not buying these en masse to make a loss so they have to be worth a considerable amount more. Also the rarity value of one the undated 20p coin increases as they buy more and more of these coins off people.

Taking a look at ebay , there are still several pages dedicated to listings of people selling their undated 20p so for that reason I have refrained from listing it for sale there and it looks like I'll be keeping mine for the long term.

Best Wishes!

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Undated 20p going for £10 million....


Two posts in one day on this topic but it has to be done because I have seen the highest priced listing so far for an undated 20p coin offered for sale on ebay:-

Not expecting anyone to pay that amount for one but strange things happen at sea.

Best Wishes!


How to identify an undated 20p

Hello Again,

I have realised it's almost a month since I last posted which admittedly isn't good.

However, I hope this post makes up for it in that I can clarify what to look for to those seeking an undated 20p coin.

To begin with, the mistake the Royal Mint made is that they failed to date a batch of 2008 redesigned 20p coins.
Quoting the obvious maybe, but first of all the intended spot for the date on the 2008 redesign is on the heads side bottom right hand side under the F.D marking.

The old 20p that were made from the con's inception in 1982 to 2008 before the redesign all have the date on the middle on the tails side.


Do not know if it's laziness but I still haven't listed my undated 20p coin on ebay.

Best Wishes!


Thursday, 6 August 2009

Still not listed my undated 20p on ebay

Well I have been logging onto ebay and there is quite a few pages of listings with people wanting to sell their undated 20 pence pieces. Their is still the wide variation in asking prices from tens of pounds to millions.

How much is an undated 20p worth?

I think the answer to that question is how much someone is willing to pay for it.

For now, mine still isn't listed.

I did manage to hold court in a restaurant in North Oxford Saturday night, there people other than the guys I was speaking to listen about the issue with the undated 20p coin. Of course having had a few to drink they started emptying their pockets and examining their 20p coins and not too sure if they were able to understand the criteria I explained to them due to their inebrity.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Both Sides Of The Coin- 20p In Mirror(Tails -2 )

Both Sides Of The Coin- 20p In Mirror(Tails)

Here's the tails side nearer the camera with the heads side refelcting in mirror. This was a tough assignment trying to get both the coin and it's mirror reflection in focus.

Both Sides Of The Coin- 20p In Mirror

Not wishing to insult anyone's intelligence but for a much more close up view of the image you can just click on the image to bring up a new browser window which will fill up with an enlarged and more detailed view of the coin and it's tails side reflection.

Anyone interested in purchasing this please comment with your offer.

Both Sides Of The Coin- 20p In Mirror


I can see it's been about 8 days since my last post and in that time I have been using my digital SLR camera to try and achieve an image that illustrates this coin as being the real deal ie it can be clearly seen that this coin is undated on BOTH sides.

I will take a look through the many pictures I have taken as it may be preferred for the tails side to have been the side facing the camera.

For anyone reading this blog please feel free to comment.

Best Wishes


Saturday, 18 July 2009

Undated 20p on ebay for £5 Million - update

Further to the last post about the asking price on ebay for an undated 20p coin at £5 million I can now see that the auction ended in the early hours of 17th July.

You immediately wonder if it did sell but when you click on the "15 offers" hyperlink to the right of history: under item location you will get visibility of the list of offers and it can be deduced that there were no buyers as each offer has declined or expired next to it.

Undated 20p on ebay for £5 Million

I didn't intend posting again today but after seeing this listing on ebay I felt it was my duty to do so.

Check out this listing on ebay where the seller is asking for £5 million for an undated 20p coin.

Just in case a URL is preferred to the screenshot above here is the URL to the ebay listing. Seeing is believing:

Undated 20p listings on ebay


I have been strongly considering selling my undated 20p coin on ebay so I thought I would log on and take a look.I found this one where the seller has put up a Buy It Now price of £250,000 and getting offers too but my guess which is probably the same guess as most people is that the offers from would be buyers is not going to reach that amount.

There are other people listing their undated 20p for high amounts say £30,0000 which OK is not as high as the one above but are offering a great proportion of proceeds to charities eg 75% which is much more commendable than the above which is offering nothing.

I am still undecided though but have been taking photos such as the following in preparation for any prospective lsiting:

I think I will also try to get a mirror shot as to show both sides of the coin but I am pretty pleased with my attempts at still life photography with a camera phone but pleased with the above.

Once I get a mirror shot that shows the both sides of the coin which I consider good enough for an ebay listing I will also publish it here.

How much am I going to sell it for?
I don't know maybe the only answer to any valuation query to one of these undated 20p coins is how much is someone willing to pay for one?

Well if I do put it up on ebay if I am going to ask for a serious amount I am sure I will be donating a good percentage to charity too.



Tuesday, 14 July 2009

The Times Article

Check out this article in The Times Online -

Intro - Why the blog about the undated 20p

Hello All,

Let me introduce myself.

My name is David and I have a bad habit of letting coins spill out of my pockets indoors.

Earlier, while getting changed in the bedroom, in process of putting on a pair of jeans not long after having a shower(Yes I was dry before doing so) I noticed a 20p coin on the floor.

I just recently remember reading about the undated 20p thing in a copy of the Metro while travelling home from work on a train.

I picked it up and can confirm it is an undated 20p and the real thing as there is no date either side.

To be honest I am undecided as to sell it now or maybe in a few months time when this will become even rarer hence more valuable. I am NOT selling it for £50 to The London Mint.

Please bear with this blog in it's current scruffy form as I only just started this.

Anyone wish to add to debate here on this blog is welcome.

I hope you find one of these things too.

Best Wishes!
